Block Shares

Block Shares
3626499 3626502 3626503 3626504 3626505 3626507 3626510 3631005 3631170 3631172 3631219 3631222 3631223 3631228 3631229 3631230 3631233 3633398 3633523 3634352
Expected 2590 2490 2574 2682 2793 2910 3031 3882 8072 7761 9084 8399 8076 8089 8426 8777 9524 4707 3944 8837
Actual 4463 1036 2253 3066 1376 2553 5850 7684 6800 923 23208 14062 120 21421 2083 3697 9372 18105 5235 3632
Average 2169 1972 2162 2409 2543 1877 2446 3172 3742 3600 5475 6778 6564 8400 8470 8585 8937 9979 9823 10094

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,192,345 189645 189545 100 56,847.9486 673452776 753434403 111.88% 106211245.50128 8.65%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 2 2 0 102,252.2912 12782 8867 69.37% 500.00029477 0.05%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 13 13 0 120,097.8226 97579 116342 119.23% 3250.00037052 0.08%
Last 12 Month 193,536 324 324 0 114,766.8674 2324029 2270933 97.72% 81000.15123454 0.17%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3634352 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 04:50:25 (UTC) 141,399.02 250.000152 8,837 3,632 41.10
3633523 Confirmed anonymous 10/09 18:48:24 (UTC) 63,105.57 250.000143 3,944 5,235 132.73
3633398 Confirmed anonymous 10/09 00:58:47 (UTC) 75,305.56 250.000000 4,707 18,105 384.64
3631233 Confirmed anonymous 26/08 20:24:51 (UTC) 152,384.10 250.000000 9,524 9,372 98.40
3631230 Confirmed anonymous 26/08 20:03:54 (UTC) 140,437.17 250.000000 8,777 3,697 42.12
3631229 Confirmed anonymous 26/08 19:55:36 (UTC) 134,819.69 250.000000 8,426 2,083 24.72
3631228 Confirmed anonymous 26/08 19:51:14 (UTC) 129,426.89 250.000000 8,089 21,421 264.82
3631223 Confirmed anonymous 26/08 19:03:46 (UTC) 129,216.61 250.000000 8,076 120 1.49
3631222 Confirmed anonymous 26/08 19:03:27 (UTC) 134,385.22 250.000076 8,399 14,062 167.42
3631219 Confirmed anonymous 26/08 18:31:56 (UTC) 145,351.04 250.000000 9,084 23,208 255.48
3631172 Confirmed anonymous 26/08 08:38:02 (UTC) 124,183.95 250.000000 7,761 923 11.89
3631170 Confirmed anonymous 26/08 08:35:52 (UTC) 129,150.56 250.000000 8,072 6,800 84.24
3631005 Confirmed anonymous 25/08 07:57:25 (UTC) 62,106.34 250.000000 3,882 7,684 197.94
3626510 Confirmed anonymous 02/08 17:50:04 (UTC) 48,495.44 250.000000 3,031 5,850 193.01
3626507 Confirmed anonymous 02/08 17:37:05 (UTC) 46,555.18 250.000000 2,910 2,553 87.73
3626505 Confirmed anonymous 02/08 17:31:32 (UTC) 44,692.94 250.000000 2,793 1,376 49.27
3626504 Confirmed anonymous 02/08 17:28:21 (UTC) 42,904.83 250.000075 2,682 3,066 114.32
3626503 Confirmed anonymous 02/08 17:21:31 (UTC) 41,188.62 250.000000 2,574 2,253 87.53
3626502 Confirmed anonymous 02/08 17:16:26 (UTC) 39,842.87 250.000000 2,490 1,036 41.61
3626499 Confirmed anonymous 02/08 17:14:04 (UTC) 41,436.58 250.000000 2,590 4,463 172.32
Totals 116,648 136,939 117.40
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.