Block Shares

Block Shares
3654783 3654785 3654787 3654794 3654796 3654801 3654810 3654817 3654818 3654821 3654825 3654833 3654835 3654858 3654860 3654865 3654868 3654870 3654874 3654879
Expected 12080 11615 11168 10739 10326 9929 9547 9179 8826 9194 9577 9976 10392 10825 10409 10008 9623 9253 8897 8555
Actual 667 1467 1587 10229 5246 6196 15469 7984 3317 10228 13541 25849 6752 54889 5621 7627 8262 568 6225 12168
Average 22179 22027 21921 21605 19572 17234 16599 12185 11313 6239 7526 9965 10481 14947 14985 15128 14407 13665 13956 14150

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,276,096 191752 191652 100 57,964.4081 694312172 774393800 111.53% 106737995.92146 8.42%
Last Hour 24 2 2 0 139,620.4022 17453 18393 105.39% 500 8.33%
Last 24 Hours 576 25 25 0 171,624.3454 268163 380420 141.86% 6250.00055414 4.34%
Last 7 Days 4,032 183 183 0 264,485.1687 3025049 3152260 104.21% 45750.00412543 4.54%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 835 835 0 164,234.9714 8571013 8591960 100.24% 208750.09643785 5.18%
Last 12 Month 193,536 2261 2261 0 152,162.0801 21502404 21653335 100.70% 565250.42201962 1.17%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3654879 129 left anonymous 10/02 01:04:32 (UTC) 136,882.75 250.000000 8,555 12,168 142.23
3654874 124 left anonymous 10/02 00:17:14 (UTC) 142,358.05 250.000000 8,897 6,225 69.97
3654870 120 left anonymous 09/02 23:52:52 (UTC) 148,052.36 250.000000 9,253 568 6.14
3654868 118 left anonymous 09/02 23:50:31 (UTC) 153,974.44 250.000090 9,623 8,262 85.86
3654865 115 left anonymous 09/02 23:19:02 (UTC) 160,133.40 250.000000 10,008 7,627 76.21
3654860 110 left anonymous 09/02 22:49:37 (UTC) 166,538.73 250.000000 10,409 5,621 54.00
3654858 108 left anonymous 09/02 22:27:43 (UTC) 173,200.26 250.000000 10,825 54,889 507.06
3654835 85 left anonymous 09/02 18:54:35 (UTC) 166,272.25 250.000057 10,392 6,752 64.97
3654833 83 left anonymous 09/02 18:28:02 (UTC) 159,621.35 250.000000 9,976 25,849 259.11
3654825 75 left anonymous 09/02 16:49:13 (UTC) 153,236.48 250.000000 9,577 13,541 141.39
3654821 71 left anonymous 09/02 15:56:36 (UTC) 147,107.01 250.000000 9,194 10,228 111.25
3654818 68 left anonymous 09/02 15:16:23 (UTC) 141,222.72 250.000219 8,826 3,317 37.58
3654817 67 left anonymous 09/02 15:03:30 (UTC) 146,871.61 250.000000 9,179 7,984 86.98
3654810 60 left anonymous 09/02 14:32:26 (UTC) 152,746.46 250.000000 9,547 15,469 162.03
3654801 51 left anonymous 09/02 13:33:01 (UTC) 158,856.31 250.000000 9,929 6,196 62.40
3654796 46 left anonymous 09/02 13:08:58 (UTC) 165,210.55 250.000000 10,326 5,246 50.80
3654794 44 left anonymous 09/02 12:48:26 (UTC) 171,818.94 250.000000 10,739 10,229 95.25
3654787 37 left anonymous 09/02 12:08:33 (UTC) 178,691.70 250.000057 11,168 1,587 14.21
3654785 35 left anonymous 09/02 12:02:30 (UTC) 185,839.34 250.000000 11,615 1,467 12.63
3654783 33 left anonymous 09/02 11:56:51 (UTC) 193,272.89 250.000000 12,080 667 5.52
Totals 200,118 203,892 101.89
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.