Block Shares

Block Shares
3560882 3561486 3561487 3561492 3561494 3561497 3561856 3562188 3570972 3572141 3572142 3572149 3572151 3572152 3572154 3572155 3572156 3573496 3573924 3573925
Expected 15705 14520 13961 13424 12412 11934 10610 6372 1261 2428 2529 2978 3102 3231 3506 3652 3804 2443 3328 3200
Actual 1288 13192 1092 10773 2882 3683 8647 1490 11941 3618 1463 5287 336 1006 4076 207 1933 10859 7574 37
Average 10451 11635 10128 10931 9757 8911 9382 9328 7851 5861 5878 5088 5012 4035 4155 3807 3136 4073 3636 3278

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,224,845 189672 189572 100 56,904.2352 674215605 753953404 111.83% 106217995.50232 8.53%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 1 1 0 848,882.6279 53055 30652 57.77% 250 0.17%
Last 7 Days 4,032 10 10 0 1,019,175.7931 636985 369966 58.08% 2500.0003032 0.25%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 22 22 0 532,184.3094 731753 456170 62.34% 5500.0006822 0.14%
Last 12 Month 193,536 228 228 0 108,253.4984 1542612 1353435 87.74% 57000.00310355 0.12%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3573925 Confirmed anonymous 01/02 03:39:26 (UTC) 51,200.49 250.000000 3,200 37 1.16
3573924 Confirmed anonymous 01/02 03:39:24 (UTC) 53,248.30 250.000000 3,328 7,574 227.58
3573496 Confirmed antikoerper 30/01 13:10:27 (UTC) 39,085.07 250.000000 2,443 10,859 444.49
3572156 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 05:25:56 (UTC) 60,864.48 250.000000 3,804 1,933 50.81
3572155 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 05:21:03 (UTC) 58,429.27 250.000000 3,652 207 5.67
3572154 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 05:20:38 (UTC) 56,091.91 250.000056 3,506 4,076 116.26
3572152 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 05:10:20 (UTC) 51,693.49 250.000000 3,231 1,006 31.14
3572151 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 05:07:26 (UTC) 49,625.65 250.000000 3,102 336 10.83
3572149 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 05:06:38 (UTC) 47,640.14 250.000000 2,978 5,287 177.54
3572142 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 04:52:41 (UTC) 40,462.59 250.000000 2,529 1,463 57.85
3572141 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 04:49:23 (UTC) 38,843.99 250.000000 2,428 3,618 149.01
3570972 Confirmed antikoerper 20/01 02:11:36 (UTC) 20,179.11 250.000000 1,261 11,941 946.95
3562188 Confirmed anonymous 09/12 08:04:17 (UTC) 101,956.12 250.000000 6,372 1,490 23.38
3561856 Confirmed antikoerper 07/12 10:54:02 (UTC) 169,753.25 250.000000 10,610 8,647 81.50
3561497 Confirmed anonymous 05/12 07:39:53 (UTC) 190,949.27 250.000041 11,934 3,683 30.86
3561494 Confirmed anonymous 05/12 07:31:33 (UTC) 198,587.22 250.000000 12,412 2,882 23.22
3561492 Confirmed anonymous 05/12 07:25:01 (UTC) 214,791.91 250.000045 13,424 10,773 80.25
3561487 Confirmed anonymous 05/12 07:01:27 (UTC) 223,383.58 250.000000 13,961 1,092 7.82
3561486 Confirmed anonymous 05/12 06:59:04 (UTC) 232,318.88 250.000000 14,520 13,192 90.85
3560882 Confirmed anonymous 01/12 22:06:11 (UTC) 251,276.01 250.000000 15,705 1,288 8.20
Totals 134,400 91,384 67.99
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.