Block Shares

Block Shares
3389839 3389866 3389885 3389902 3389979 3389988 3390076 3390083 3390103 3390181 3390194 3390237 3390252 3390282 3390414 3390490 3390533 3390558 3390656 3390723
Expected 43792 42108 40488 38931 27396 32256 39560 38038 36575 35168 33816 40327 42008 44918 43191 41530 36920 35500 34134 32822
Actual 86843 29454 9757 15289 59898 3239 70963 4825 11292 67313 13425 18607 13592 22948 113123 40200 35560 20068 75427 48551
Average 39508 32080 33036 34558 38425 37164 44058 41088 41879 35887 28546 27461 27844 28610 33933 37629 34089 35613 42026 40150

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,114,375 189570 189470 100 56,847.0014 673175084 753135649 111.88% 106192495.49998 8.97%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 5 5 0 42,056.5117 13143 5633 42.86% 1250 0.12%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 23 23 0 54,605.6963 78496 87673 111.69% 5750.00021884 0.14%
Last 12 Month 193,536 268 268 0 147,272.0214 2466806 2302206 93.33% 67000.14997057 0.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3390723 Confirmed anonymous 30/01 13:53:52 (UTC) 525,144.91 250.000000 32,822 48,551 147.92
3390656 Confirmed anonymous 30/01 07:35:04 (UTC) 546,150.48 250.000000 34,134 75,427 220.97
3390558 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 21:50:19 (UTC) 567,996.29 250.000000 35,500 20,068 56.53
3390533 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 19:15:10 (UTC) 590,715.94 250.000034 36,920 35,560 96.32
3390490 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 14:35:08 (UTC) 664,474.62 250.000000 41,530 40,200 96.80
3390414 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 09:00:05 (UTC) 691,053.32 250.000105 43,191 113,123 261.91
3390282 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 18:09:56 (UTC) 718,695.02 250.000000 44,918 22,948 51.09
3390252 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 15:11:32 (UTC) 672,122.85 250.000203 42,008 13,592 32.36
3390237 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 13:27:14 (UTC) 645,237.78 250.000407 40,327 18,607 46.14
3390194 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 11:03:19 (UTC) 541,052.71 250.000000 33,816 13,425 39.70
3390181 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 09:18:07 (UTC) 562,694.75 250.000000 35,168 67,313 191.40
3390103 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 00:54:31 (UTC) 585,202.50 250.000000 36,575 11,292 30.87
3390083 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 23:32:43 (UTC) 608,610.40 250.000076 38,038 4,825 12.68
3390076 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 22:57:54 (UTC) 632,954.70 250.000000 39,560 70,963 179.38
3389988 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 13:53:09 (UTC) 516,093.24 250.000045 32,256 3,239 10.04
3389979 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 13:27:40 (UTC) 438,341.59 250.000000 27,396 59,898 218.64
3389902 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 05:40:33 (UTC) 622,897.38 250.000001 38,931 15,289 39.27
3389885 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 03:41:30 (UTC) 647,813.04 250.000000 40,488 9,757 24.10
3389866 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 02:25:02 (UTC) 673,725.35 250.000000 42,108 29,454 69.95
3389839 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 22:36:43 (UTC) 700,674.01 250.000001 43,792 86,843 198.31
Totals 759,478 760,374 100.12
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.