Block Shares

Block Shares
2998190 2998293 2998329 2998363 2998408 2998428 2998432 2998470 2998541 2998610 2998614 2998636 2998692 2998695 2998748 2998753 2998758 2998771 2998819 2998860
Expected 107344 104548 89612 109903 101460 93806 90198 86729 95474 97659 93903 90291 77327 87401 97807 101882 102046 98436 111976 108362
Actual 34504 246752 92439 61159 129182 30972 3752 76276 158889 133577 1659 33430 80799 12357 154505 14658 7682 38589 148569 73872
Average 134481 117226 111490 115729 101421 99815 82725 81685 90999 96750 93466 72134 70970 66089 68622 66990 67383 63615 62583 56612

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,114,291 189570 189470 100 56,847.0014 673175084 753135649 111.88% 106192495.49998 8.97%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 5 5 0 42,056.5117 13143 5633 42.86% 1250 0.12%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 23 23 0 54,605.6963 78496 87673 111.69% 5750.00021884 0.14%
Last 12 Month 193,536 268 268 0 147,272.0214 2466806 2302206 93.33% 67000.14997057 0.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2998860 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 01:26:22 (UTC) 1,733,795.13 250.000000 108,362 73,872 68.17
2998819 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 00:01:18 (UTC) 1,791,621.54 250.000328 111,976 148,569 132.68
2998771 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 21:10:43 (UTC) 1,574,975.11 250.000114 98,436 38,589 39.20
2998758 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 20:26:30 (UTC) 1,632,732.09 250.000000 102,046 7,682 7.53
2998753 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 20:17:33 (UTC) 1,630,117.73 250.000450 101,882 14,658 14.39
2998748 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 20:00:30 (UTC) 1,564,912.28 250.000000 97,807 154,505 157.97
2998695 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 16:59:22 (UTC) 1,398,423.19 250.000395 87,401 12,357 14.14
2998692 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 16:44:49 (UTC) 1,237,234.98 250.000000 77,327 80,799 104.49
2998636 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 15:09:31 (UTC) 1,444,658.42 250.000000 90,291 33,430 37.02
2998614 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 14:30:25 (UTC) 1,502,444.44 250.000000 93,903 1,659 1.77
2998610 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 14:28:30 (UTC) 1,562,541.53 250.000159 97,659 133,577 136.78
2998541 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 11:52:22 (UTC) 1,527,581.13 250.000034 95,474 158,889 166.42
2998470 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 08:47:07 (UTC) 1,387,660.62 250.000053 86,729 76,276 87.95
2998432 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 07:18:24 (UTC) 1,443,166.09 250.000000 90,198 3,752 4.16
2998428 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 07:13:54 (UTC) 1,500,891.87 250.000027 93,806 30,972 33.02
2998408 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 06:37:47 (UTC) 1,623,361.83 250.000034 101,460 129,182 127.32
2998363 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 04:07:27 (UTC) 1,758,454.62 250.000746 109,903 61,159 55.65
2998329 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 02:58:26 (UTC) 1,433,792.08 250.000068 89,612 92,439 103.15
2998293 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 01:12:24 (UTC) 1,672,764.69 250.000000 104,548 246,752 236.02
2998190 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 20:30:04 (UTC) 1,717,507.17 250.000000 107,344 34,504 32.14
Totals 1,946,164 1,533,622 78.80
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.