Block Shares

Block Shares
2918606 2918611 2918614 2918616 2918634 2918639 2918647 2918694 2918715 2918732 2918741 2918770 2918795 2918803 2918807 2918824 2918830 2918860 2918876 2918883
Expected 25419 24441 23501 22597 25967 27049 28176 33174 31898 29492 26218 35114 38101 37354 35918 33208 31931 29522 27295 26245
Actual 10958 40953 24266 23501 29044 22673 29638 115659 49301 33404 13778 42373 67443 13558 7027 27979 4933 77888 34835 20953
Average 23818 26742 27941 29986 29590 30324 33195 33574 37971 37940 38222 38364 42681 41687 39485 40016 37546 33768 32322 31077

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,114,585 189574 189474 100 56,846.8864 673187935 753140191 111.88% 106193495.49998 8.97%
Last Hour 24 4 4 0 51,403.9109 12851 4542 35.34% 1000 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 576 4 4 0 51,403.9109 12851 4542 35.34% 1000 0.69%
Last 7 Days 4,032 9 9 0 46,210.9114 25994 10175 39.14% 2250 0.22%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 27 27 0 54,131.3578 91347 92215 100.95% 6750.00021884 0.17%
Last 12 Month 193,536 272 272 0 145,862.1963 2479657 2306748 93.03% 68000.14997057 0.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2918883 Confirmed anonymous 12/09 03:16:37 (UTC) 419,915.93 250.000000 26,245 20,953 79.84
2918876 Confirmed anonymous 12/09 02:54:02 (UTC) 436,712.48 250.000000 27,295 34,835 127.62
2918860 Confirmed anonymous 12/09 02:16:41 (UTC) 472,348.01 250.000034 29,522 77,888 263.83
2918830 Confirmed anonymous 12/09 00:51:26 (UTC) 510,891.33 250.000000 31,931 4,933 15.45
2918824 Confirmed anonymous 12/09 00:45:47 (UTC) 531,326.85 250.000000 33,208 27,979 84.25
2918807 Confirmed anonymous 12/09 00:15:07 (UTC) 574,682.62 250.000000 35,918 7,027 19.56
2918803 Confirmed anonymous 12/09 00:07:38 (UTC) 597,669.78 250.000000 37,354 13,558 36.30
2918795 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 23:52:39 (UTC) 609,623.08 250.000000 38,101 67,443 177.01
2918770 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 22:38:12 (UTC) 561,828.42 250.000000 35,114 42,373 120.67
2918741 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 21:51:17 (UTC) 419,487.85 250.000000 26,218 13,778 52.55
2918732 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 21:35:59 (UTC) 471,866.56 250.000000 29,492 33,404 113.26
2918715 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 20:59:01 (UTC) 510,370.79 250.000034 31,898 49,301 154.56
2918694 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 20:04:20 (UTC) 530,785.38 250.000000 33,174 115,659 348.64
2918647 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 18:27:43 (UTC) 450,820.32 250.000000 28,176 29,638 105.19
2918639 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 18:01:13 (UTC) 432,787.48 250.000034 27,049 22,673 83.82
2918634 Confirmed awei 11/09 17:47:28 (UTC) 415,475.82 250.000000 25,967 29,044 111.85
2918616 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 17:28:47 (UTC) 361,551.54 250.000385 22,597 23,501 104.00
2918614 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 17:15:59 (UTC) 376,013.56 250.000000 23,501 24,266 103.26
2918611 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 17:02:24 (UTC) 391,054.00 250.000000 24,441 40,953 167.56
2918606 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 16:38:55 (UTC) 406,696.13 250.000000 25,419 10,958 43.11
Totals 592,620 690,164 116.46
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.