Block Shares

Block Shares
2456242 2456243 2456244 2456249 2456325 2456329 2456346 2456348 2456349 2456350 2456354 2456358 2456359 2456366 2456367 2456402 2456404 2456406 2456408 2456409
Expected 3244 3119 3249 3526 3537 3401 3270 3145 3024 2907 2796 2688 2585 2390 2298 2497 2401 2309 2220 2135
Actual 1268 2154 2961 9303 4609 221 730 1138 68 175 4475 5269 1562 10515 1782 1748 1892 3209 2106 609
Average 2918 2451 2538 3373 2898 2528 2257 2336 2252 2263 2583 2895 2755 2876 2594 2746 2862 3070 3273 3317

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,114,983 189574 189474 100 56,846.8864 673187935 753140191 111.88% 106193495.49998 8.96%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 4 4 0 51,403.9109 12851 4542 35.34% 1000 0.69%
Last 7 Days 4,032 9 9 0 46,210.9114 25994 10175 39.14% 2250 0.22%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 27 27 0 54,131.3578 91347 92215 100.95% 6750.00021884 0.17%
Last 12 Month 193,536 272 272 0 145,862.1963 2479657 2306748 93.03% 68000.14997057 0.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2456409 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 15:47:14 (UTC) 34,155.37 250.000000 2,135 609 28.52
2456408 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 15:46:53 (UTC) 35,521.48 250.000000 2,220 2,106 94.86
2456406 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 15:45:59 (UTC) 36,942.21 250.000000 2,309 3,209 138.98
2456404 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 15:44:41 (UTC) 38,419.72 250.000000 2,401 1,892 78.80
2456402 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 15:43:54 (UTC) 39,956.29 250.000419 2,497 1,748 70.00
2456367 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 14:50:45 (UTC) 36,764.49 250.000000 2,298 1,782 77.55
2456366 Confirmed cosbeni 14/06 14:49:12 (UTC) 38,235.02 250.000000 2,390 10,515 439.96
2456359 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 14:41:26 (UTC) 41,354.79 250.000000 2,585 1,562 60.43
2456358 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 14:40:18 (UTC) 43,008.80 250.000000 2,688 5,269 196.02
2456354 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 14:36:29 (UTC) 44,728.78 250.000000 2,796 4,475 160.05
2456350 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 14:32:55 (UTC) 46,517.87 250.000000 2,907 175 6.02
2456349 Confirmed cosbeni 14/06 14:32:46 (UTC) 48,378.54 250.000000 3,024 68 2.25
2456348 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 14:32:42 (UTC) 50,313.39 250.000000 3,145 1,138 36.18
2456346 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 14:31:42 (UTC) 52,325.80 250.000000 3,270 730 22.32
2456329 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 14:02:24 (UTC) 54,418.20 250.000301 3,401 221 6.50
2456325 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 13:51:37 (UTC) 56,594.52 250.000104 3,537 4,609 130.31
2456249 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 11:27:52 (UTC) 56,411.66 250.000000 3,526 9,303 263.84
2456244 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 11:20:40 (UTC) 51,988.21 250.000045 3,249 2,961 91.14
2456243 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 11:18:31 (UTC) 49,908.22 250.000000 3,119 2,154 69.06
2456242 Confirmed tanakamining 14/06 11:16:58 (UTC) 51,904.02 250.000000 3,244 1,268 39.09
Totals 56,741 55,794 98.33
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.