Block Shares

Block Shares
3414481 3414581 3414627 3414746 3414840 3414902 3414910 3414946 3414988 3415025 3415086 3415107 3415388 3415435 3415691 3415713 3415775 3416085 3416195 3416242
Expected 20723 19926 19160 18423 17033 16378 15748 15142 13591 14158 11243 9626 22571 21702 20868 20065 19293 24393 23455 22553
Actual 26122 29890 11753 30664 28934 17521 3383 10490 10128 9041 10393 4576 53665 13851 66917 6604 16533 65755 29974 10917
Average 20395 22705 21946 24110 21186 22613 22124 17362 17382 17793 16220 13688 17880 16198 19997 18905 20220 25746 27731 27919

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,114,585 189574 189474 100 56,846.8864 673187935 753140191 111.88% 106193495.49998 8.97%
Last Hour 24 4 4 0 51,403.9109 12851 4542 35.34% 1000 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 576 4 4 0 51,403.9109 12851 4542 35.34% 1000 0.69%
Last 7 Days 4,032 9 9 0 46,210.9114 25994 10175 39.14% 2250 0.22%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 27 27 0 54,131.3578 91347 92215 100.95% 6750.00021884 0.17%
Last 12 Month 193,536 272 272 0 145,862.1963 2479657 2306748 93.03% 68000.14997057 0.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3416242 Confirmed anonymous 03/05 14:44:57 (UTC) 360,845.28 250.000000 22,553 10,917 48.41
3416195 Confirmed anonymous 03/05 10:27:10 (UTC) 375,279.06 250.000000 23,455 29,974 127.79
3416085 Confirmed anonymous 02/05 22:53:55 (UTC) 390,290.11 250.000000 24,393 65,755 269.57
3415775 Confirmed anonymous 01/05 21:18:53 (UTC) 308,694.34 250.000155 19,293 16,533 85.69
3415713 Confirmed anonymous 01/05 14:59:01 (UTC) 321,042.05 250.000000 20,065 6,604 32.91
3415691 Confirmed anonymous 01/05 12:25:20 (UTC) 333,883.64 250.000099 20,868 66,917 320.67
3415435 Confirmed anonymous 30/04 10:25:10 (UTC) 347,238.91 250.000002 21,702 13,851 63.82
3415388 Confirmed anonymous 30/04 05:01:29 (UTC) 361,128.42 250.000034 22,571 53,665 237.76
3415107 Confirmed anonymous 29/04 07:56:10 (UTC) 154,012.73 250.000064 9,626 4,576 47.54
3415086 Confirmed anonymous 29/04 06:09:19 (UTC) 179,884.76 250.000000 11,243 10,393 92.44
3415025 Confirmed anonymous 29/04 02:08:09 (UTC) 226,520.62 250.000000 14,158 9,041 63.86
3414988 Confirmed anonymous 28/04 22:34:28 (UTC) 217,459.77 250.000079 13,591 10,128 74.52
3414946 Confirmed anonymous 28/04 18:33:34 (UTC) 242,273.40 250.000034 15,142 10,490 69.28
3414910 Confirmed anonymous 28/04 14:28:37 (UTC) 251,964.30 250.000000 15,748 3,383 21.48
3414902 Confirmed anonymous 28/04 13:10:07 (UTC) 262,042.85 250.000000 16,378 17,521 106.98
3414840 Confirmed anonymous 28/04 06:19:29 (UTC) 272,524.55 250.000000 17,033 28,934 169.87
3414746 Confirmed anonymous 27/04 19:06:07 (UTC) 294,762.52 250.000000 18,423 30,664 166.44
3414627 Confirmed anonymous 27/04 07:13:51 (UTC) 306,552.97 250.000076 19,160 11,753 61.34
3414581 Confirmed anonymous 27/04 02:40:45 (UTC) 318,815.03 250.000000 19,926 29,890 150.01
3414481 Confirmed anonymous 26/04 15:03:43 (UTC) 331,567.63 250.000034 20,723 26,122 126.05
Totals 366,051 457,111 124.88
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.