Block Shares

Block Shares
3015059 3015273 3015391 3015459 3015552 3015730 3015755 3015780 3015786 3015898 3015946 3016041 3016043 3016073 3016105 3016108 3016138 3016182 3016281 3016283
Expected 64020 80944 62006 62886 103960 86289 100708 82775 73587 93827 83412 55857 53960 77917 88068 84681 64454 97736 102135 98207
Actual 74263 218404 111071 69086 95801 165976 32522 25885 2594 113481 45976 88309 2975 24879 39214 5534 23682 54657 93268 951
Average 130778 152424 153572 144588 118728 113869 116862 105871 98776 90908 88080 75070 64261 59840 54181 38137 37253 40130 49198 37945

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,121,874 189577 189477 100 56,846.4264 673193146 753147026 111.88% 106194245.49998 8.93%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 30 30 0 51,497.2464 96557 99050 102.58% 7500.00021884 0.19%
Last 12 Month 193,536 275 275 0 144,574.1386 2484868 2313583 93.11% 68750.14997057 0.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3016283 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:45:22 (UTC) 1,571,315.25 250.000000 98,207 951 0.97
3016281 Confirmed awei 28/02 22:43:15 (UTC) 1,634,166.27 250.000000 102,135 93,268 91.32
3016182 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 18:58:15 (UTC) 1,563,774.94 250.000000 97,736 54,657 55.92
3016138 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 16:48:08 (UTC) 1,031,258.54 250.000369 64,454 23,682 36.74
3016108 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 15:51:59 (UTC) 1,354,890.32 250.000000 84,681 5,534 6.54
3016105 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 15:38:41 (UTC) 1,409,084.89 250.000000 88,068 39,214 44.53
3016073 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 14:05:28 (UTC) 1,246,666.30 250.000000 77,917 24,879 31.93
3016043 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 13:06:14 (UTC) 863,355.81 250.000027 53,960 2,975 5.51
3016041 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 12:59:11 (UTC) 893,716.60 250.000000 55,857 88,309 158.10
3015946 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 09:26:58 (UTC) 1,334,597.56 250.000000 83,412 45,976 55.12
3015898 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 07:35:00 (UTC) 1,501,238.20 250.000000 93,827 113,481 120.95
3015786 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 03:02:33 (UTC) 1,177,391.04 250.000052 73,587 2,594 3.53
3015780 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 02:56:22 (UTC) 1,324,402.18 250.000000 82,775 25,885 31.27
3015755 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 01:53:49 (UTC) 1,611,335.61 250.000000 100,708 32,522 32.29
3015730 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 00:34:32 (UTC) 1,380,621.05 250.000039 86,289 165,976 192.35
3015552 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 17:57:21 (UTC) 1,663,360.88 250.000000 103,960 95,801 92.15
3015459 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 14:11:33 (UTC) 1,006,170.52 250.066827 62,886 69,086 109.86
3015391 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 11:28:14 (UTC) 992,094.65 250.000000 62,006 111,071 179.13
3015273 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 06:56:51 (UTC) 1,295,103.38 250.000000 80,944 218,404 269.82
3015059 Confirmed anonymous 26/02 22:12:52 (UTC) 1,024,327.64 250.000274 64,020 74,263 116.00
Totals 1,617,429 1,288,528 79.67
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.