Block Shares

Block Shares
2991717 2991736 2991747 2991776 2991889 2992010 2992078 2992103 2992128 2992133 2992153 2992207 2992234 2992260 2992374 2992382 2992520 2992531 2992561 2992615
Expected 109742 108262 104098 89556 90857 54917 79554 80323 83669 87156 86938 69040 82218 92930 86601 90210 71676 77773 99358 99518
Actual 53692 49980 15803 54586 290246 276348 127621 30052 64143 23211 49262 108040 78045 63802 165876 30363 322855 11664 61323 118087
Average 70564 74138 71902 75366 100176 124262 123100 112310 107980 98568 98125 103931 110155 111077 98640 74042 93565 91726 91444 100932

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,122,110 189577 189477 100 56,846.4264 673193146 753147026 111.88% 106194245.49998 8.93%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 30 30 0 51,497.2464 96557 99050 102.58% 7500.00021884 0.19%
Last 12 Month 193,536 275 275 0 144,574.1386 2484868 2313583 93.11% 68750.14997057 0.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2992615 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 21:39:11 (UTC) 1,592,282.36 250.000000 99,518 118,087 118.66
2992561 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 19:29:35 (UTC) 1,589,733.77 250.000484 99,358 61,323 61.72
2992531 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 18:22:27 (UTC) 1,244,370.71 250.000000 77,773 11,664 15.00
2992520 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 18:09:51 (UTC) 1,146,811.13 250.000244 71,676 322,855 450.44
2992382 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 12:14:52 (UTC) 1,443,353.65 250.000034 90,210 30,363 33.66
2992374 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 11:41:40 (UTC) 1,385,618.05 250.000079 86,601 165,876 191.54
2992260 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 08:05:34 (UTC) 1,486,880.84 250.000000 92,930 63,802 68.66
2992234 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 06:54:38 (UTC) 1,315,493.65 250.000000 82,218 78,045 94.92
2992207 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 05:28:08 (UTC) 1,104,641.37 250.000000 69,040 108,040 156.49
2992153 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 03:28:15 (UTC) 1,391,015.54 250.000101 86,938 49,262 56.66
2992133 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 02:33:40 (UTC) 1,394,492.84 250.000086 87,156 23,211 26.63
2992128 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 02:07:54 (UTC) 1,338,711.97 250.000000 83,669 64,143 76.66
2992103 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 00:56:27 (UTC) 1,285,162.24 250.000034 80,323 30,052 37.41
2992078 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 00:22:56 (UTC) 1,272,865.50 250.000000 79,554 127,621 160.42
2992010 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 22:01:04 (UTC) 878,678.54 250.000000 54,917 276,348 503.21
2991889 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 16:51:58 (UTC) 1,453,710.25 250.000000 90,857 290,246 319.45
2991776 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 11:24:20 (UTC) 1,432,897.03 250.000000 89,556 54,586 60.95
2991747 Confirmed awei 16/01 10:22:49 (UTC) 1,665,573.22 250.000000 104,098 15,803 15.18
2991736 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 10:04:54 (UTC) 1,732,194.47 250.000000 108,262 49,980 46.17
2991717 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 09:09:26 (UTC) 1,755,865.45 250.000000 109,742 53,692 48.93
Totals 1,744,396 1,994,999 114.37
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.