Block Shares

Block Shares
2937734 2937741 2937744 2937775 2937788 2937789 2937804 2937809 2937855 2937884 2937894 2937926 2937935 2937949 2937951 2937980 2937991 2938004 2938042 2938072
Expected 21412 20589 19797 13909 14535 15141 15771 16429 16614 23030 23990 24989 24028 22216 21361 19750 18260 17557 17303 20372
Actual 35176 12848 2229 44525 9688 183 17582 13735 32449 19169 7065 23071 6556 13906 603 49717 9324 14728 24169 22797
Average 26718 27640 24502 28952 25889 22638 16691 17061 18764 18758 15947 16970 17402 14340 13432 18385 17560 17659 16831 17194

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,114,580 189574 189474 100 56,846.8864 673187935 753140191 111.88% 106193495.49998 8.97%
Last Hour 24 4 4 0 51,403.9109 12851 4542 35.34% 1000 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 576 4 4 0 51,403.9109 12851 4542 35.34% 1000 0.69%
Last 7 Days 4,032 9 9 0 46,210.9114 25994 10175 39.14% 2250 0.22%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 27 27 0 54,131.3578 91347 92215 100.95% 6750.00021884 0.17%
Last 12 Month 193,536 272 272 0 145,862.1963 2479657 2306748 93.03% 68000.14997057 0.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2938072 Confirmed awei 15/10 01:44:58 (UTC) 325,955.31 250.000000 20,372 22,797 111.90
2938042 Confirmed anonymous 15/10 00:42:17 (UTC) 276,848.89 250.000000 17,303 24,169 139.68
2938004 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 23:36:21 (UTC) 280,916.87 250.000000 17,557 14,728 83.89
2937991 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 22:56:18 (UTC) 292,153.50 250.000000 18,260 9,324 51.06
2937980 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 22:31:27 (UTC) 315,993.11 250.000000 19,750 49,717 251.73
2937951 Confirmed awei 14/10 20:18:07 (UTC) 341,778.05 250.000000 21,361 603 2.82
2937949 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 20:16:30 (UTC) 355,449.15 250.000000 22,216 13,906 62.59
2937935 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 19:39:32 (UTC) 384,453.68 250.000000 24,028 6,556 27.28
2937926 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 19:21:38 (UTC) 399,831.72 250.000000 24,989 23,071 92.32
2937894 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 18:19:56 (UTC) 383,838.44 250.000000 23,990 7,065 29.45
2937884 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 18:00:56 (UTC) 368,484.78 250.000000 23,030 19,169 83.23
2937855 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 17:13:10 (UTC) 265,820.72 250.000000 16,614 32,449 195.31
2937809 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 15:44:08 (UTC) 262,857.45 250.000000 16,429 13,735 83.60
2937804 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 15:06:21 (UTC) 252,343.13 250.000000 15,771 17,582 111.48
2937789 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 14:18:01 (UTC) 242,249.38 250.000000 15,141 183 1.21
2937788 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 14:17:26 (UTC) 232,559.36 250.000000 14,535 9,688 66.65
2937775 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 13:50:49 (UTC) 222,543.05 250.000000 13,909 44,525 320.12
2937744 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 11:49:59 (UTC) 316,747.77 250.000000 19,797 2,229 11.26
2937741 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 11:43:59 (UTC) 329,417.61 250.000000 20,589 12,848 62.40
2937734 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 11:08:44 (UTC) 342,594.23 250.000000 21,412 35,176 164.28
Totals 387,053 359,520 92.89
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.