Block Shares

Block Shares
2642344 2642367 2642368 2642373 2642375 2642393 2642437 2642466 2642469 2642477 2642572 2642573 2642574 2642579 2642656 2642666 2642668 2642670 2642671 2642673
Expected 4351 4926 5132 5346 5568 5800 5424 5249 5375 4969 5498 5727 5966 6215 6225 5985 5755 5534 5321 5117
Actual 1731 3780 349 2558 1453 9524 2737 4728 2258 10702 7040 2506 1163 14140 5604 5167 5739 2389 1701 1026
Average 4428 3547 3414 2701 2672 2940 2872 2737 2947 3982 4513 4386 4467 5625 6040 5605 5905 5671 5615 4648

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,120,559 189577 189477 100 56,846.4264 673193146 753147026 111.88% 106194245.49998 8.94%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 3 3 0 27,790.2437 5211 6835 131.16% 750 0.07%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 30 30 0 51,497.2464 96557 99050 102.58% 7500.00021884 0.19%
Last 12 Month 193,536 275 275 0 144,574.1386 2484868 2313583 93.11% 68750.14997057 0.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2642673 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 10:00:49 (UTC) 81,866.91 250.000136 5,117 1,026 20.05
2642671 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 09:59:53 (UTC) 85,140.29 250.000050 5,321 1,701 31.97
2642670 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 09:58:19 (UTC) 88,545.55 250.000090 5,534 2,389 43.17
2642668 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 09:55:59 (UTC) 92,086.23 250.000000 5,755 5,739 99.72
2642666 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 09:50:35 (UTC) 95,767.87 250.000000 5,985 5,167 86.33
2642656 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 09:33:29 (UTC) 99,596.54 250.000000 6,225 5,604 90.02
2642579 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 07:16:54 (UTC) 99,435.13 250.000000 6,215 14,140 227.51
2642574 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 07:08:48 (UTC) 95,457.11 250.000000 5,966 1,163 19.49
2642573 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 07:08:08 (UTC) 91,638.26 250.000000 5,727 2,506 43.76
2642572 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 07:06:42 (UTC) 87,972.42 250.000000 5,498 7,040 128.05
2642477 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 05:39:29 (UTC) 79,510.19 250.000000 4,969 10,702 215.38
2642469 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 05:29:07 (UTC) 85,996.07 250.000000 5,375 2,258 42.01
2642466 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 05:26:51 (UTC) 83,988.14 250.000000 5,249 4,728 90.07
2642437 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 04:27:10 (UTC) 86,783.22 250.000000 5,424 2,737 50.46
2642393 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 03:28:23 (UTC) 92,806.56 250.000000 5,800 9,524 164.21
2642375 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 03:18:53 (UTC) 89,092.91 250.000000 5,568 1,453 26.10
2642373 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 03:17:26 (UTC) 85,528.55 250.000000 5,346 2,558 47.85
2642368 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 03:15:00 (UTC) 82,106.36 250.000000 5,132 349 6.80
2642367 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 03:14:37 (UTC) 78,821.45 250.000000 4,926 3,780 76.74
2642344 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 02:50:24 (UTC) 69,620.71 250.000134 4,351 1,731 39.78
Totals 109,483 86,295 78.82
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.