Block Shares

Block Shares
2455986 2455988 2455989 2455991 2455994 2455999 2456001 2456002 2456006 2456009 2456011 2456013 2456014 2456019 2456085 2456174 2456182 2456225 2456227 2456242
Expected 3430 3573 3722 3877 4039 4207 4382 4565 4755 4953 5160 5375 5599 5832 5842 5617 4994 3947 3795 3244
Actual 782 1264 290 1053 3596 2830 315 127 6362 4440 6831 2091 951 9358 3917 3442 345 908 71 1268
Average 3193 3273 2898 2592 2821 2771 2493 2345 2575 2106 2711 2794 2860 3690 3722 3783 3786 3865 3235 2918

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,114,769 189574 189474 100 56,846.8864 673187935 753140191 111.88% 106193495.49998 8.96%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 4 4 0 51,403.9109 12851 4542 35.34% 1000 0.69%
Last 7 Days 4,032 9 9 0 46,210.9114 25994 10175 39.14% 2250 0.22%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 27 27 0 54,131.3578 91347 92215 100.95% 6750.00021884 0.17%
Last 12 Month 193,536 272 272 0 145,862.1963 2479657 2306748 93.03% 68000.14997057 0.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2456242 Confirmed tanakamining 14/06 11:16:58 (UTC) 51,904.02 250.000000 3,244 1,268 39.09
2456227 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 10:53:04 (UTC) 60,719.06 250.100045 3,795 71 1.87
2456225 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 10:49:09 (UTC) 63,147.32 250.000075 3,947 908 23.00
2456182 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 09:58:46 (UTC) 79,897.72 250.000000 4,994 345 6.91
2456174 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 09:40:11 (UTC) 89,872.18 250.000000 5,617 3,442 61.28
2456085 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 06:38:40 (UTC) 93,466.99 250.000075 5,842 3,917 67.05
2456019 Confirmed tanakamining 14/06 04:16:32 (UTC) 93,314.69 250.000000 5,832 9,358 160.46
2456014 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 04:09:01 (UTC) 89,581.63 250.000000 5,599 951 16.99
2456013 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 04:08:15 (UTC) 85,997.79 250.000000 5,375 2,091 38.90
2456011 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 04:06:32 (UTC) 82,557.75 250.000075 5,160 6,831 132.38
2456009 Confirmed hee2wd 14/06 04:00:55 (UTC) 79,254.89 250.000549 4,953 4,440 89.64
2456006 Confirmed cosbeni 14/06 03:57:23 (UTC) 76,084.64 250.000000 4,755 6,362 133.80
2456002 Confirmed cosbeni 14/06 03:52:22 (UTC) 73,040.06 250.000000 4,565 127 2.78
2456001 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 03:52:14 (UTC) 70,117.41 250.000000 4,382 315 7.19
2455999 Confirmed cosbeni 14/06 03:51:59 (UTC) 67,311.88 250.000000 4,207 2,830 67.27
2455994 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 03:49:38 (UTC) 64,619.00 250.000346 4,039 3,596 89.03
2455991 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 03:46:46 (UTC) 62,033.68 250.000000 3,877 1,053 27.16
2455989 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 03:45:51 (UTC) 59,552.16 250.000000 3,722 290 7.79
2455988 Confirmed tanakamining 14/06 03:45:38 (UTC) 57,169.31 250.000000 3,573 1,264 35.38
2455986 Confirmed anonymous 14/06 03:44:40 (UTC) 54,882.01 250.000000 3,430 782 22.80
Totals 90,908 50,241 55.27
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.