Block Shares

Block Shares
3457355 3457375 3457405 3458021 3458677 3458892 3459103 3459666 3460497 3460673 3460762 3461479 3461503 3461534 3461678 3462195 3462881 3462941 3463046 3463395
Expected 61421 72315 88351 62519 66927 44177 64812 68058 27089 30253 41635 26541 27691 23668 19533 31462 30549 29868 26804 26593
Actual 30878 28348 32388 95956 82010 25790 17220 46627 61919 14585 8379 52472 2203 2294 10384 38424 53925 4582 7662 27884
Average 59560 56133 53647 52011 58532 53346 48272 41275 46495 43572 41322 43735 40716 31350 24187 25451 29121 24917 19491 20821

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,192,361 189645 189545 100 56,847.9486 673452776 753434403 111.88% 106211245.50128 8.65%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 2 2 0 102,252.2912 12782 8867 69.37% 500.00029477 0.05%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 13 13 0 120,097.8226 97579 116342 119.23% 3250.00037052 0.08%
Last 12 Month 193,536 324 324 0 114,766.8674 2324029 2270933 97.72% 81000.15123454 0.17%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3463395 Confirmed anonymous 22/10 18:54:15 (UTC) 425,494.68 250.000171 26,593 27,884 104.85
3463046 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 13:15:31 (UTC) 428,860.79 250.000135 26,804 7,662 28.59
3462941 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 05:40:57 (UTC) 477,895.38 250.000304 29,868 4,582 15.34
3462881 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 00:45:26 (UTC) 488,782.34 250.000295 30,549 53,925 176.52
3462195 Confirmed anonymous 18/10 15:17:47 (UTC) 503,398.52 250.000000 31,462 38,424 122.13
3461678 Confirmed anonymous 16/10 22:20:10 (UTC) 312,527.05 250.000105 19,533 10,384 53.16
3461534 Confirmed anonymous 16/10 11:22:14 (UTC) 378,685.39 250.000239 23,668 2,294 9.69
3461503 Confirmed anonymous 16/10 09:11:03 (UTC) 443,062.96 250.000000 27,691 2,203 7.96
3461479 Confirmed anonymous 16/10 06:50:09 (UTC) 424,659.67 250.000144 26,541 52,472 197.70
3460762 Confirmed anonymous 13/10 23:34:59 (UTC) 666,167.93 250.000778 41,635 8,379 20.12
3460673 Confirmed anonymous 13/10 14:36:20 (UTC) 484,048.49 250.000000 30,253 14,585 48.21
3460497 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 23:01:11 (UTC) 433,421.27 250.000347 27,089 61,919 228.58
3459666 Confirmed anonymous 10/10 04:56:58 (UTC) 1,088,926.82 250.000000 68,058 46,627 68.51
3459103 Confirmed anonymous 08/10 03:04:20 (UTC) 1,036,999.06 250.000000 64,812 17,220 26.57
3458892 Confirmed anonymous 07/10 10:00:59 (UTC) 706,827.00 250.000029 44,177 25,790 58.38
3458677 Confirmed anonymous 06/10 16:52:54 (UTC) 1,070,829.81 250.000375 66,927 82,010 122.54
3458021 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 10:02:37 (UTC) 1,000,296.45 250.000000 62,519 95,956 153.48
3457405 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 01:39:11 (UTC) 1,413,617.66 250.000313 88,351 32,388 36.66
3457375 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 22:53:48 (UTC) 1,157,047.55 250.000222 72,315 28,348 39.20
3457355 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 20:29:30 (UTC) 982,732.47 250.000188 61,421 30,878 50.27
Totals 870,266 643,930 73.99
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.